Fulcrum, Inc

"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it,
and I shall move the world."
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"As CEO of Fulcrum, I am constantly looking for opportunities to develop innovative business relationships. Our company specializes in vertical and circular integration."

James Houston, CEO
Fulcrum, Inc.

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Foundational Structure

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Fulcrums Core Business Process
Develop a web of synergistic businesses based on core needs.

A single business is obviously stronger if it is vertically integrated, but if the integration is circular it can be dropped around any part of a business to offer support and increased profitability. 

 Insurance is needed by any business

 Marketing is needed by any business

Media is needed by any business

Strategic planning is needed by any business

 Accounting is needed by any business

Tax advice and preparation is needed by any business

Client Testimonials

"My experience thus far has been invaluable both for personal development and in my career. Thanks to Fulcrum, Inc, I was able to figure out exactly what I want to do, why I haven't done it yet, and how to create that change in my life."

- Dennis O.

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