The Frame

The ultimate feedback loop.

Business Blueprint

When you're building a complicated business machine, you must have lots of checks and balances. Perhaps the greatest strategic mind of all time was Sun Tsu. His famous book, The Art Of War, has been utilized for hundreds of years as both a strategic manual for warfare as well as more recently, for business. The book calls for a specific way to organize manpower, materials, motivation, terrain, economic factors, supply chain and much more.
It specifically calls for feedback loops to be established once the overall strategy has been determined. These loops interconnect in a web of points linked together to produce a war machine. In business the same strategic controls can be utilized to organize your business in such a way that it can survive most any hardship, without these controls in place businesses tend to wander about helter skelter from one unformed idea to the next.


How strong is your structure?

We can help you build your frame. Every business needs a comprehensive operational plan with correct feedback loops and infrastructure. 
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